Insightful Counsel, Sustainable Solutions
Jason Hammond
How Hard Is It to Set Up a Mycoremediation Facility?
One of the issues with recycling is the number of things that can’t be recycled traditionally – plastic, Styrofoam, and so on. The amount of waste produced by our modern lives can seem impossible.
Frank Hammond
Dealing with Trespassing Neighbors: When Legal Help Becomes Necessary
As a lawyer who has handled many property disputes, I understand the importance of property rights and boundaries.
Law Offices of Frank Hammond
The Vital Role of Environmental Lawyers in Transactions
As an environmental lawyer I am often engaged in transactions. Although I am most often involved in more than just the environmental issues in a transaction
Frank Hammond
Waters of the United States Compared to Waters of the State of Oregon
Regarding clean water regulations, permits are required only if they affect specified waters.
Frank Hammond
Understanding Oregon DEQ
When working with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) it is important to remember two things about DEQ staff.
Frank Hammond
Solving Neighbor Property Disputes
I have handled many disputes between neighbors over property. These disputes seem to always center on two things.
Frank Hammond
What To Do When DEQ Knocks At Your Door?
If you operate and industrial or commercial site, you are always at risk of offending the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).